Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011 Dec 20th HOA and Block Watch Meeting Minutes

HOA meeting and Block Watch Introduction

6:30 Meeting called to order by Sandi and Beau seconded.

Quorum established with presence of Sandi, president, Beau V.P., Patty, Director, and Ken, sec. and Brown Management Rep , Dani present also. Dee, treasurer absent.

The meeting agenda prioritized Karen Stengenga to introduce all to the Neighborhood Watch agenda of Mesa Police Dept. crime prevention dept.  This was to get facts needed to form a neighborhood watch here at Ironwood. It is necessary for a volunteer (not a board member) to accept the position of captain of Ironwood Neighborhood Watch. This would meet a certain Mesa Police Dept. qualification for a program for Ironwood. Volunteers should apply through Dani at Brown Management.

In any event one can sign up for email alerts of the Mesa Police Dept simply by contacting Dani at Brown Management or go to www.mesaaz.gov/police and click on “Crime Reports” to sign up. The non-emergency telephone number of the Mesa Police Dept.   is         480-644-2211. Emergency situations are still to call 911.

7:15 Karen finished her presentation and Sandi made motion to approve Oct meeting minutes and Beau seconded. Motion approved.

Dani briefed all on the street surface quotes as per judgement of 3 companies. This is tabled until later.

Beau made a motion to change gate maintenance company to Dezert  and Sandi seconded. Motion approved.

7:50 Meeting  adjourned